Monday, October 27, 2008

daily serving

art speak. cool man.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Still feeling crummy. Went to my first class and it was very dull and some what made me dislike school but also appreciate it. My teacher showed us some images of his work, pretty neat. And then he showed us some stuff that his friend has done. His name is Jiwoong Cheh. He's a sculptor and looking at his stuff made me want to sculpt. I've always wanted to sculpt but never have.

This is the one specific image he showed us that captured my interest. He had a few different angles of it and I really liked the posture and everything about it. I don't know the names of his other pieces, but I know that this one is called Narcissus.
It is technically very good, obviously he is a master of sculpting. My teacher showed us a few images of his studio and it was impressive. Lots of little studies and what not. He also told us how the sculptor thinks of his work as though it were a form of worship. Jiwoong Cheh is apparently very religious, and sees sculpting the human body in a realistic way, much like a musician playing a masterpiece by Beethoven. In Jiwoongs case, Beethoven would be God. For some reason, I thought that this was the case, I don't know why but the image of Narcissus just made me think of something to do with a higher being. It's probably because it has to do with Mythology and that it was done so realistically. The position of the figure is also very realistic, yet somewhat in the style of an unrealistic Greek or Roman statue. I don't know. Just thought this was interesting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Still sick

So it's 1:14 in the morning and my fellow art students as well as myself just got kicked out of south campus. South campus is the studio art building which is now apparently only open until 11:00 at night? And I guess the A&D building has the same rules. We were told that it has been that way for a very long time, but I remember that it was 12:00 last year. Kind of stinks. I guess campus safety also doesn't want anyone there on the weekends, which is great for an art student who wants to try and get a lot of work done over the weekend. But not really because all it means is that I can't get any work done at all if all of my stuff is in south campus. That really stinks.

Anyway, I watched Wall-e tonight because the campus activities board was showing it. I saw it twice in theaters and this was my third time watching it. I like the movie and I was eagerly anticipating its release months before it was being advertised. The Buy N Large website was really good, I thought. It was like a good joke almost. The concept art was great too. Very clever 50's style adds. I really like that look. Sort of goes back to that Iron Giant feel.I think the recent Disney style is sort of in a 50's style. I don't know. I think I could talk about this for a while and I would like to but I'm going to bed now. Still not feeling well and I should have been in bed a long time ago.

John Baeder

So I haven't been feeling very well for the past few weeks. I don't know what it is, it might be because I made myself sneeze really really hard, twice, and I think I tricked my body into thinking i was sick by accident. Well this was maybe 2 weeks ago and I still have a cough and I still have phlegm and o yeah, my one eye keeps watering up for some reason.I don't have any allergies or anything, but my one eye keeps filling with water all the time. Anyway, what this is getting at is that whenever I'm somewhat sick, I try not to let it bother me and I just shrug it off, but it doesn't really help with the recovery process very well, so I'm actually trying to rest now.

While resting however, I figured I could get some work done and started looking at my list of artists again. I came across John Baeder who is a painter. I think he might be really famous, but I don't really know. Anyway, I really like his work. It reminds me of the feel and the time period from the movie The Iron Giant. That is more of a Thanksgiving movie, but whatever.

I found a bunch of his stuff from his web site and its all pretty neat. I read his little artist statement, at least thats what I assume it is, and it's rather intriging and insightful. The way he describes his interest in his subject, I suppose, what I already got out of it, in a way at least. I think that the feeling he got when he was a kid is the same mood and feeling he projects from his paintings and it is one that I can relate to. Most of my ideas for my work comes from when I was a kid and usually has to do with a time of year or something. For example, The Iron Giant reminds me of Thanksgiving because thats when I used to watch it when I was younger so I just accosiate it was that time of year and therefore the movie gives me a feeling and a mood of Thanksgiving and brings me back to that setting, when I was younger. I am like that with a lot of things. Anyway, I should go eat now.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just looking up some of the artists on my list and came across Rodin.
When I saw the smaller image of this girl I thought it was a hand, then saw it was a girl. Thought it was really neat.
During any other time of the year, I don't really think I would consider myself to be a big fan of Halloween, but then when it finally starts to roll around, I really enjoy it. I don't think I ever really do anything for the day of Halloween, I don't even dress up, but the days and weeks leading up to Halloween I'm always interested and like to watch old 80's horror movies. My room mate Sam and I watched a bunch of old 40's and 50's horror movies that were pretty bad. That was last year. We still didn't even watch all of the movies he has either. I should ask him about those again. But anyway I've been looking up a bunch of stuff on youtube about making masks and all the special effects stuff that goes into horror movies. I watched Thriller about 10 times, maybe not that much, but I still love it. Now I have a hankering to watch Dracula, the one with Gary Oldman who I think is a great actor. I've been reading the book and listening to Apocolyptica, which gets me in the mood for some Halloween cheer. Basically I'm just looking for some cliche Halloween stuff to occupy my time.

Anyway, Bernard Albinus was one of the first names on my list of artists and his stuff actually kind of reminds me of Halloween in a way.

It has an old haunted sort of Halloween tradition about it.I think I origanaly wrote down his name because I'm interested in anatomy and I like a lot of stuff that has to do with anatomy.
After looking over his prints though, I can see why they interest me a little more than other anatomy images. The way the figure is posed really gives it a personality, at least as much of a personality figures in those positions had. I never really thought that people who stood in a position the way this one is looked very realistic, but that was the style back then. I also very much wonder how life like the image is. I mean it looks realistic, but I wonder how close to the real thing it is, if anyone were ever to see someone without any skin. I guess you could always go to Body World and find out.
I like these images because they are not the typical anatomy studies, they have a certain atmosphere about them. I probably use that word a lot, atmosphere. To me that means that I really get a sense that there is more to the world of the painting or the drawing than you can see within the frame, as though it really is a picture taken of a character in his or her own world. That is probably what most paintings try to acomplish, depending on the kind of painting, and I like it when they accomplish that.
I would really like to have that kind of quality in my work, to make the viewer think there is actually a world beyond the frame of the work. I think it keeps the viewer thinking about the work. I would like to have that kind of effect with my work, whether it is in photography, painting, drawing, or music.
Trying to take a portrait of an ant.
Also trying to test out the quality of my camera.
I'm pretty satisfied.
Seeing as how its really small and just about anything would have pleased me.
Cep maybe the action shots could have been a little better.
So I never had any sort of explanation of this blog thingy. In case anyone who isn't in my class reads this, its for a computer imaging class. I'm supposed to put stuff on here that I take pictures of and anything that I think looks cool or is in some way visual. Something like that. I didn't really want to have a blog, but it's kind of a good way to keep things that I'm interested in organized. I did have a list of artists that I started assembling some time ago just for future reference, but I don't have any images of their work to go along with their names, so I think I might go back to that list and put some of the stuff up that interested me. I don't really know, I think I'm going to put up just about anything that interests me.Picture of Kait through the little peep hole in her door. She knew I was taking the picture so it's not creepy or anything.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

James Jean figure drawings

Reminds me of Glen Kean some what.

I was thinking of putting some of my own figure sketches up, but might not be such a good idea after posting these, which I think are pretty successful. Whatever, not like its a competition. Maybe I'll put some up some time.

James jean. Does cover art for Fables comic series.

This one reminds me of the game red faction and 1984. I like when art or music has an atmosphere about it and his covers seem to do that pretty well.

Reminds me of old cartoons where the small main character who is also the hero has to fight a big giant or something. Not sure what cartoon that is.
Flying monkeys, not sure what that reminds me of.
Think of The World of David the Gnome
I like the wings on this one.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jerry Uelsmann, Richard Hamilton, Kurt Schwitters


Playing guitar for Ben in the gallery. I worked at a running camp this year and I like to finger pick guitar using the capo and playing songs that I make up. I don't know who signed my guitar. Phantom graffiti person.

new orleans. I dont smoke. I found that hat during mid terms in high school. actually, i think it was finals.