Monday, January 30, 2012

one of those days
where you broadcast it to the world and it means nothing

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

dna, but first

k so its time i start work on my list of topics...but first, i had an idea. i think i should start to ask questions. if anyone does read this....(HA) id like to give them something to outwardly think about. so i figured i could do this thing where i just sorta ask a question at the end of posts or just post a question for people. now most of the stuff i put on here isnt actually any kind of solution, it typically leaves me with more questions, but whatev. so i think ima do that at the end of this post. also i listened to ariel pinks haunted graffiti TERRIFIC song round and round basically the whole time i wrote everything in this post.


moving on

DNA! now i had this thought a few weeks ago and its kind of a simple notion. basically my idea is that people are the dna of the earth. NOW, with that being said, i should also mention that im not a very knowledgable person. so most of my talk comes from my extremely limited know how on everything i talk about. i was talking to a friend about this and i kind of reasoned out that thats probably what turns heads more so than a person who actually knows what they are talking about. typically the loudest person, the ones who chant their slogans that rhyme and are catchy, arent the smartest people. they are just loud and in peoples faces and attitude tends to get mistaken for accuracy. mixed with someone who doesnt quite know what they are talking about but believes it beyond any kind of reason, well thats where you get people like rush limbaugh and adolf hitler. im not saying rush limbaugh is evil in the sense that hitler is, but they can both be very convincing and very wrong at the same time. i dont really have attitude and i dont assume that im right about a lot, but i aslo dont know a lot and am writing about what i dont know. so maybe i should designate this as my disclaimer. there ya go, i talk about stuff i dont know about, but i understand that i dont know a lot about a lot and if anything, i think thats a least one smart thing i can say.

BUT, back to dna. so like i said, the idea is rather simpley stated, people as the dna of the earth. I thought about this when i was cooking a few weeks ago. probably over a month now actually. And i was just thinking about how it seems that everything can have a question attatched as to why it is and how it is that things do what they do. Thats pretty broad, but it applies to a lot. for example, flowers have petals and we think they are pretty. they also smell nice. now, theres a reason for that. if you believe in the idea of an inteligent creator, then the answer can be easy, well god made it for bugs and so that, i dont know, people like em too, i dont know. something like that. but to say that theres a reason for the flowers to be like that without the notion of an intelligent creator, well it still sounds like one is talking as though someone made things the way they are in a very distinct way. but nayway, flowers tend to be attractive to people. turns out they are also attractive to bugs and animals. not as much animals, but bugs yeah. they appeal to bugs and the bugs go " hey alright lets go check out this righteous flower, smells pretty fly and i bet i can get some food from there." and thats what the bug says, just like that. so the bugs go fly on the flower, get pollen and junk on em, then they fly off. bugs attract other animals, like birds, which eat bugs. when a bird is in the same field as the bug, and it lands around the flowers, it gets a bunch of flower junk on it, so that when it takes off, it will spread the flower junk just like the bug, but the possibilities of distance is much broader with the birds. so i guess one could say that maybe the reason flowers are pretty and smell nice is soooo, what? they can attract animals? and then what? the animals can spread their seed?

is the same true for everything? now it might not be exactly true that everything wants another animal to spread its seed, but it might be true that things want theirs seeds to be spread. and this i feel should be assumed as a subconcious act. if we assume the flowers goal is to spread its seed, well thats not assuming that the flower is conciously doing this. but there is something in the flower that has developed, knowing just how it should act in order to stay alive. if there werent, then the flower wouldnt be there. i think things have sort of gone beyond coincidence ever since the earth came into creation and intelligent life sprung up on here. So what is telling the flower how to evolve (should you believe in evolutiuon)? most people agree (and by most people i mean most people who actually think about this stuff, not someone who just agrees cause they heard it on a tv special) that the thing driving the flower is its dna. its something that is inside all living things and it turns out it helps to distinguish the difference between that species and another species. it is assumed that the goal of a living things dna is to spread itself, to stay alive, and to just keep its strand going.

so i was thinking at the time about space, space travel, man going to the moon, the different goals throughout time that man has set out to accomplish. lotsa stuff. it basically made me think about why on earth would we want to go to the moon?! where does that come from? why? just, why has that been an idea for so long and why did we do it? It made me think about something my friend used to do with his friends when he was little. when he and his friends would hang out around his house, they would stand by his neighbors driveway, and at the end of the driveway there is a shiney polished silver painted rock about the size of a soccer ball. it gave off a bit of a glow when a light shone on it and they thought it was so neat. they would go over to it, talk about how it must be this special space rock, they would crowd around, staring at the covetted object, touching it every now and then. In reality, it was just so cars would see the end of the driveway at night. also, the dogs on the street used to pee on it.

But thats what i thought of the conquest to the moon. It was this tremendous staple in the sky, like the sun. Its been there for every single person whose ever lived. even if you are blind and dont have sight, it was at least known that there was this massize thing, a white orb that hung in the sky. can you imaging what people thousands of years ago used to think about it? people who helped to create the very first forms of any kind of religion centered their lives around these objects, the sun and the moon. thats how important they were. People didnt understand it and because of that there came to be some sort of power with held in this thing that was unattainable. maybe if we worshiped it, SHOWED it that we are thinking about it, maybe if we GO there!

well thousands of years later people said " hey you see that thing?"

"what, you mean the moon?"

"yeah! i bet i can get there"

"bet i can get there before you can!"

and then we got there. i say we, i had nothing to do with it. but if there were an intelligent creator, imagine him looking at people constructing these rockets that are meant for one use and then they are junk. they build suits to wear so they can SURVIVE IN SPACE, and then these little tiny ships to help get them, TO THE MOON! imagine god watching the world, watching as everyone on earth is watching just a few people going to the moon! its rather hilarious to me. i think about the astronauts, if god had revealed himself to them then, i just think of them looking over and giving him a thumbs up and a goofy childish smile, like the friends standing around the "space rock" in the neighbors yard. "Check it out mom! we're at the space rock!"

so why did we go there? now there was obviously a space race in the 50s and 60, who could basically dominate the realm of space? but the idea of going to space and the moon can also be, and often is, attributed to the notion of manifest destiny. colonate another area, spread our way of life there. so this made me think that maybe the goal of spreading our seed is so that we can go to other places in space. and colonating other plants might be like saying, well maybe we are actually doing the EARTHS work. maybe every living thing is a development of the earth trying to create something that will spread the seed of the earth. I was talking about this with someone and tossed around some notions that, if that were the case then maybe people would assume the earth would be a world in which it is suitable for a giant fungus which can survive in a vacum might grow a tremendous staulk and launch a massize spore that would shoot out into space and someday land on a planet where it might be able to survive. or that the earth would develope a bird that is so big that it could take off into the reaches of deeps space. The thing is, none of these ideas really make sense right now. they are kinda neat to think about, but what is needed is a creature that can understand that theres an atmosphere which we and the earth lives in. outside of that atmosphere, we cant survive. and if we are going to colonate another planet, well we need to be smart enough to know what has to happen in order to be able to survive that atmosphere. A giant spore might be able to launch into space, probably not though cause the prepulsion required is immense. there would have to be some sort of immense electro magnetic disruption inorder for a spore to even leave the earth, in which case, the earth would thusly be distroying the possibility for other forms of life that werent adjusted to an earth that switches poles so radically. so this is probably out of the question for a planet. same for a big bird. a planet with a creature that is large enough to be able to push through the atmosphere would dominate the planet in a way that would destroy most other life on the planet. and that is quite an investement to make, for a planet to develope an animal that can colonate another planet, but what if it doesnt? it wouldnt be able to in reality. it would actually have to be a creature that can survive any atmosphere, any condition, anything really. if it cant, then the effort was wasted. So it makes sense that people are the product of an effort to try and relocate life from earth to other areas in space. if you think of the earth as a flower, and space as a field, and the time laps of the development of the earth as though it were more like the time it takes for a flower to grow and wilt, then its a little easier to understand how this might make sense. if it just doesnt make sense cause you think im an idiot, well then there ya go.

Now i thought that an argument for this could be "well if the goal of the earth and people is to get to space, why arent all of our efforts focused on that? why are there bands, why music, why is there entertainment, movies, fashion, art, why do we work for money and why do we have relationships?" it would stand as a pretty good question i think to wonder why people like lady gaga exist. in a world where the goal is to go to space, whats the point of lady gaga? well it just so happens that dna probably doesnt know it has a goal or that its dna. it just is, and it just works in a way that helps to manifest itself. if it stands to reason that people and animals, living things are the dna of the earth, then we probably wouldnt know it. we are just acting exactly as dna, seeing different situations and learning how to act when those situations occure so that next time we will be safe. another thought is that all of every other effort that people put their mind too, music, art, entertainment, anything other than going to space, maybe that is all neccesary to go to space. perhaps it is neccesary to have lady gaga so that, without these other investments, other breakthroughs might not have occured. perhaps people need to be distracted so that, in case they arent interested in space travel, they could be interested in something that might eventually help with the space effort in a way they couldnt have seen. im not sure. i could use more arguments going against this little theory thing to help with my idea. i also dont know anything about rna, which i believe is a precursour to dna, and i dont really know anything about dna. im just an idiot tpying about stuff i dont know :)

In any case! thats my basic idea about people and living things as dna of earth. there might be some more stuff and more ideas to go with it, but thats the basic idea.

i was listening to some science radio show and one of the people mentioned babe ruth pointing with his bat, to say "check it out, ima knock it outta the park" and basically calling his hit. it got me thinking. When people talk about babe ruth, thats something that is most memorable about him. that he was that good to be able to call his hit. But im pretty sure he did that a lot and a lot of the time he didnt hit it where he said he would. Now he definitely was a great player, he hit the ball a lot and he was great. but he didnt always get it right when he called his shot. the truth is he did call the hit a lot and sometimes got it right. so i wondered if during the time, people thought he was a bit of a goof for always pointing and getting it right only half the time. the odds are pretty good that he would at least get a few right if he pointed every time. but when we think about him now, we dont think about that, or even know that. this makes me question:

if you had a chance to make an impact on people currently or to make more of a lasting impression of yourself throughout time, which would you choose? it stands for reason that if you perform an act that helps people at the time, then it will probably get you recognized throughout time. but in the case like the babe calling where he was going to hit the ball, thats more of an example that i mean. would you sacrifice looking goofy to be memorable or not? thats the question.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012


this thing needs a little less writing i think and some images. heres a little painting i did a few months back

Friday, January 13, 2012

comparing tunes

here goes! sometimes when i hear certain songs they remind me of others. no big revelation, most people, i think, are reminded of songs when they hear other songs. i had this idea to post a few of the songs that i feel would make a great mash up to produce another song.

heres a link where you can listen to the whole album...feel like im talking to myself :)

the first song i got is from The Antlers latelst album, Burst Apart. It came out in 2011 and after listening to the entire thing off of nprs radio website i couldnt get enough. Fleet Foxes had an album that was also coming out around the same time, and although i feel that their first album, titled Fleet Foxes, was possibly one of the best of the decade, i just couldnt get into their second, Helplessness Blues. It might have had something to do with the way i was so enamored with their first album. I might do a comparison with them another time infact.

In any case, Bust Apart was playing constantly from my computer. I didnt have the album yet so i kept the npr station open all of the time and made sure to keep it playing all the time. this may have helped in slowing my computer down a bit actually. yikes. So i eventually got the album and listened to it even more.

What i enjoyed about the album, which i think is true of most people who enjoy an entire album, is that a majority of the songs are good. I dont really like using that word too often, id rather elaborate, but its true. I dont feel that there are many songs on Burst Apart that feel as though they are filler songs placed in between the hits. And the songs that would be considered filler, well i just like em!

Another lure for me was the sound of the album, which to me seemed like it had strong influences in other music and genres. i immediately heard an early 80s new wave sound to it. Now i know this is basically what current hipster tunes are sorta going for. But its great! New wave has some awesome sounds, to me it seems like a period in music when artists were working more with sound rather than instruments, because the synth came into mainstream. There were experimental musicians before new wave of course, but to me it seems like sounds rather than instruments were making more of an impact on the music, helping to create an atmosphere that is ...mmmsomewhat spacey? a lil futuristic, but i think mostly as though its on the edge of a breakthrough. as though new wave was an explorer and we were seeing glimpses of the future or new places that looked radical and cool. this is probably why new wave is a hit now too. because people felt like they caught a glimpse of something that they didnt completely get to grasp. perhaps thats another tempting lure to the new wave sound, that a good new wave song always leaves you wanting more and wanting to figure it something.

The album also had an 80s flick soundtrack feel to me. Basically, i heard Neverending Story mixed with Spirits in the Material World by The Police.

In particular, the first minute or so of this one, before it gets into that goofy guitar part.

Mixed with this...

When i first heard No Widows thats what i heard, a mix of the two. It just feels like a perfect mash up of the two to create this song that i love. the soft and dull percussion sounds are just like Neverending Story song and theres a couple sounds, maybe the organ in No Widows that reminds me of the strings in Spirits? not sure. just has the same kinda feeling? actually it doesnt. it doesnt really have the same feeling as the Nevereneding story tune or The Police, well maybe a little bit Neverending Story, but really just the two mixed together is whats the same to me. Also i think theres times when the vocals sound similar, maybe the way they say certain things.

Well there ya have it! my first mash up. theres another song that i wanted to do, but to tell the truth, i kinda forgot what song it was :P Thats, another post (reference to end of Neverending Story)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

soon to come

need to put down some ideas that ive been TOSSIN around lately. soon to come:
*ideas about humans as earth dna
*thoughts on art vs science, or art cooperating with science. how the two relate
*trying to develope ideas about first world problems, how it relates to progress, and what kind of progress
*realization that i had when i was 11 or 10 comes back to haunt me as it relates to a theory of time. did i have it right when i was in 7th grade? do i even have it right now?does anyone?!
*k so theres this idea i got based on the antlers latest album. it sounds like a lot of other stuff ive heard so i had an idea to play the different songs that i think sound like it and to basically, i guess, find two or three songs that, when mashed up, might make the one song in particular. this might not make sense to you...but thats ok. who am i kidding, you is me cause im the only one reading pretty sure i am anyway. anyway, this idea might be pretty short lived cause theres only about two songs that i feel like are mash ups of other songs. but ill do it anyway! so boy! looks like ive got some writing to do. welp! time for sleep!