Monday, October 11, 2010


SOOOOOOO, I did this one awhile ago. maybe a month or so. mm, probably a little more actually. I havent posted anything in a while because my keyboard refused to work properly. WELLLLL I remembered I had another one in my closet so I hooked it up a few days ago. But then I remembered why I switched the keyboards in the first place and why this one was in the closet, cause its stinky too! well not that bad actually, the space bar just doesnt work sometimes. WHATEV, anyway, heres this one.

I didnt have any references for this sculptur other than maybe some little line sketches I had done, actually no I dont think I had any sketches. Yeah now that I think about it this was just from stuff in my head. But I was working on some ideas I had about making a fountain for my sisters new pool area. I had a feeling she would ask me to do something like that, since she had seen my blog and some of the little sculptures. I figured she saw it and got sort of pumped cause I was doing something with art. My family, save my dad, usually tries to encourage me with my art by asking if I could maybe make something for them or something to hang in their office. Usually I dont oblige. Actually, I never do. I feel bad about it. I did draw a picture of a 1948 jaguar family sedan for camille to give to doug for christmas. I almost didnt do that to be honest. I think we were going to go over to their house on christmas and I was supposed to give it to her then so she could put a bow on it or something. Well Im pretty sure I didnt start till...the day before. I ended up finishing most of it at around the time santa should have shown up at my chimney, or woodstove rather. Well I guess I have camille to thank for showing me that theres NO such thing as santa. But in his defense, we dont have a hearth and a fireplace, not that squeezing in a fireplace is very comfy, but chimney sweeps do it all the time. Fitting into a small woodstove would probably be a little difficult for a heafty old bearded man. Well it would be hard for anyone actually. I hope kyle doesnt read this. Anyway the whole thing reminded me of a documentary I watched on Frank Frazetta. Apparently he wouldnt start any of his paintings till the day before or night before he was supposedto have them done for a magazine or comic book of publisher, but they always came out really well. Not that I had a Frank Frazetta when I was done with the drawing of the jaguar, but it was alright.
I dont have many pictures on here of this one. I took a bunch, but most of them dont look like this.
I finished sculpting and started taking pictures and thought that id really like for itto be a little more complete. the legs were almost not there and it was just sort of a torse sitting atop a heap of clay. So I decided to sculpt out more leg and butt for him. It started looking better and then I took more pictures.
The back looks goofy. Its missing some muscles actually, well not really missing them, they just arent as even as a typical persons muscles are. This guy would probably have bad scoliosis. His traps are uneven and his lats are a little uneven too. His erector spinea is also a little goofy looking, just not developed well I spose. I wasnt really working too hard on it, but looking at it now, I think I should have made it a little more even. The pose of the figure suggests one side flexed and the other side to be elongated and I didnt make it look that way.

I reallylike the look of the legs though. I think this is a good example of what I wanted to do with the back. The legs arent very defined, but there are subtle forms that show the legs as a whole to be pretty acurate at first glance. Its kind of like in a painting of a person from a distance. The form can be recognized as a person with no qualms about it, looking rather acurate. But comeing closer you might notice that the eyes are just maybe a dash of dark color and that the nose might consist of just on brush strock where the nostrils are. That is somewhat how I see the legs and actually how I want to do my sketches. Id like to try and make the body more of a single form rather than trying to develope the muscles individually. The posture of the body doesnt look like what I want it to look like most likely because I tried to add on the the torsoe as apposed to molding it entirely. The one leg that is extended was formed from one collum of clay which is what I should have done with the torso.
ANYwhoo, this is something of an idea I had of a figure to go in the fountain that Im trying to make for camille. I have another sculpture Ive done but those pictures are still on keiths camera.

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