just had an idea for a new way to travel. ok so im just going to let loose and sound as much like a nerd as is possible in order to make my idea understandable. its for long distance travel, maybe even space travel. its for magnetic attraction to actually pull a ship or vehicle. it would be sent through radio waves in a way, so that it is sort of on one signal. and then received by the vehicle and then it would pull in the ship or whatever. i dont think this is possible, but im sort of trying this thing out. here goes.
So I started to get interested in where all my interests and artistic ideas come from, and it brought me to being a kid and collecting stuff and yeah, basically just analyzing myself. Well I remember thinking about a lot of really radical stuff, and I started to run into these ideas again my senior year of college. It was funny, but a lot of the stuff I was learning about my senior year was stuff I had once played around with, like in acting class and my sci-fi class and just a lot of stuff. So NNNOOOOWWWWW... I decided to try and let loose with my goofy childish ideas and just let my thoughts come out. I dont even really care if its not possible. Cause the stuff might not be possible now, but maybe some day it is. Back in the 1700's it was impossible to reach people at a moments notice. Battles were even fought after wars had been declared over. But now, I can get information from around the world so quickly. It would have seemed like a rediculous idea if someone had said " if only we could have known instantly that the war was over, then these people woudlnt have died." of course back then people would have said"well thats just not possible to know that sort of thing." and it was true. it wasnt possible then. But there are so many things that have actually sort of started out in sci-fi books that end up coming true in a way. Im thinking of the hitch hikers guid to the galaxy. The actual guide is a book filled with virtually limitless information based on peoples accounts of traveling around the galaxy. This was a super rediculous futuristic idea. The book was written by a comic and it was in a setting where space travel, in the form of traversing incredible unthinkable distances is possible. Along with this, the idea of a book composed of information from numerous authors about traveling the galaxy is sort of a way of saying that he was making this incredible thing that was just not actually possible. But now we have the internet. Its not about traveling the galaxy, but im sure that its in there somewhere. Whats even more incredible, is that reading this book at the time it was written, 70's I think, Im sure someone must have said"wouldnt it be so neat if there was something like this? a place we can get all this info from different accounts? just look it up and you can get different oppinions on travel." and just like in the 1700's with that soldier wishing for a magic to be able to know things the instant they happen, this person probably got a response something like" yeah but theres no way that could ever work." And just like the change from the 1700's, now this is possible. The only difference is that was only about 30 years ago, where it seemed impossible to achieve a science fiction invention. Imagine what could be possible in the next 5 years.
I guess all im saying is that Im letting my ideas run wild cause I used to have loads of ideas that people thought were really great, and I kinda let them fade away cause I was trying to be realistic. The reality of the matter is, nothing can ever come to be until it is first thought up or tested. So what the heck, Im just going to go crazy with my ideas I guess. Besides, it gives me more stuff to write about on here.
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