Been wanting to sculpt more stuff since i dismantled my little sculpture yesterday. This one is also, of course, based on a Rodin. Similar pose. Dont think I like this one as much as yesterdays but there are things I noticed which I like when I looked at the photos, things that I hadent noticed when just looking at the actual object. One thing I noticed was in a picture I sent to a friend. The side of the neck looked very realistic and there were features there that I thougth looked very good, but I dont remember doing it. Its sorta like the thing I was talking about yesterday, with just doing something absentmindedly in a way.
So I again took 100 pictures. Actually I took 103 pictures then uploaded them. I was looking at the little sculpture for a bit more and took 34 more photos from some more angles that I hadent. I liked these a lot and figured that its alright if I take way too many photos, because these little sculptures dont exist anywhere other than the photos. This one was also destroyed.
From some of these angles I also noticed something that I hadent noticed when I was looking at the object itself. The leg looks very realistic and I didnt even really think that much about the muscular structure of the figure, at least not for the leg. Maybe this is because Ive been drawing the human figure for, mmmm, long time now, and these things are just subconsiously there. I really like the hip flexor, lower obliques, sartorius gluteus medius, rectus femorus and vastus lateralus area. it seems rather accurate and relaxed. Like the way the stomach is meant to look, sort of a relaxed musculature. Like the way Michelangelo used to draw most of his massive figures.
I used my spoon to support the head by shoving the handle down the torso and using the head for the head, like I did yesterday. I also used a paperclip for his right arm. You can see part of the head of the spoon and the paperclip in a few of the photos.
The figure I did yesterday was done only with my fingers and hands, but this one was a little smaller so I used the nail clippers, the file part, or rather that tip thats used to clean dirty fingernails or something. I used that to smooth some stuff out and get at some of the harder to reach places. I dont like this face as much as yesterdays, but thats alright. This is just a little sketch in clay basically and I dont totally dislike the face either. Im pretty happy with the overall outcome considering I dont really sculpt at all, this is basically the second thing I ever done on my own, yesterday being my first, and that it didnt take too long to make AND that it seems to be coming easy to me.
I liked this pose and this angle shot because the figure is really kind of distorting his torsoe, twisting and bending at the same time. Usually my figures arent as manipulated as this one and its something thats been on my mind for a long time. I like this pose.
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