We decided to go the the Whitney after Chelsea and see what they had there. There was a great exhibition on Alexander Calder. I was a mild fan of his before, but I guess sometimes you just don't really appreciate another persons work until you see it first hand. I didn't take any pictures cause I wasn't sure if I was allowed and I was basically just too interested to get my camera out. I'm really glad that I got to see his stuff in person.
When I was looking at some of Calder's stuff, I saw a guy who I thought kinda looked like Jeff Buckley. Then I looked again and he really looked like him. I wanted to show one of my friends but no one was around, so I just left it alone. Then I got to the first floor and saw a man who looked like Charles Darwin, and I think it was actually him. I showed my friends and they agreed that he not only looked really cool, but also looked like Darwin, who also looked cool when he was alive. I was trying to get a picture of them, but we were around a gallery space, so I wasn't sure if I was allowed to take pictures. Then I saw Darwin guy go over the the elevators and who was standing there, waiting for an elevator but Jeff Buckley guy. They were both just about the same exact height, standing right next to eachother. It was crazy. I saw them go into the elevator and knew that I would never see them again, because they were both going back to their rightful time periods, both of them being dead now. Either that or they just went to the Calder exhibit.
So anyway, we were just about to leave when some of my friends wanted to get their pictures taken, and even though I knew I was never going to see Jeff Buckley guy again, I saw him. So I told my friends that I would take a picture of them, even though I was just trying to get a picture of Jeff Buckley. Well I got one but not a very good one. I wish I could have gotten the Darwin guy cuase he looked even more like Darwin than this guy looked like Buckley.
You know, for being such a busy city with loads of people, I sure did see a lot of the same people through out the day, and in different parts of the city. I guess they were just tourists like me with the same idea in mind.
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