Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oscar Gustav Rejlander

"Two ways of life"

We looked at a few photographers today in computer imaging. I think that the artists the teacher shows us are usually pretty interesting to look at because he basically shows us artists whose work relates to the project. He also shows a few artists to give us a better idea of what we can do for the project. I'm not sure how these artists relate to the newest project, but they do relate to a photoshop class because they all have to do with combining photos and what not. Anyway, our teacher seems to choose artists who first started the kind of work that we are doing and then newer artists. I like the first people he shows us because they did all of their work without photoshop. For example, Oscar Rejlander, he was apparently one of the first and maybe the first guy to combine photos the way he did. He was around during the mid 1800's.

I think its neat that we look at his stuff in a photoshop. Its seems like it should be strange, as if we shouldnt look at his stuff cause its old or something and he couldnt have used a computer, but it makes sense to look at his work. Because that is where basically the idea for mixing photos up comes from, in a way. I am alos very fond of old civil war, grainy like photos, and that is the quality of his work. His one photo "Two ways of life" is interesting too because it is set up to look like a painting and it does. I has a renaissance look to it, the way the figures are positioned and even the figures themselves look like they are straight from an old master painting.

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